2021 Conference • March 18-21

Listen Now Again:  A Tour of the Seamus Heaney Exhibition from the National Library of Ireland

Geraldine Higgins offers a virtual tour of Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again, the landmark exhibition that she developed and curates. Located in the Cultural and Heritage Centre at the Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin, the exhibition was opened in July 2018 by Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland. Presented across four areas (Excavations, Creativity, Conscience, and Marvels), its core content comes from the literary archive that the Heaney family donated to the National Library of Ireland.

Geraldine Higgins

Emory University

Geraldine Higgins is the Director of Emory’s Irish Studies Program and of the Richard Ellmann Lectures in Modern Literature. Anchored by Ireland’s two Nobel poet laureates, W.B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney, Higgins’s publications examine the connections between art and violence, literature and history, and poetry and popular culture. A former director of the W.B. Yeats Summer School in Sligo, Ireland, she was Emory’s Massee-Martin/NEH distinguished teaching chair from 2014-2018. Higgins is the curator of the National Library of Ireland’s acclaimed exhibition, “Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again,” open at the Bank of Ireland cultural centre in Dublin until 2023.